Unlocking prostate cancer data
Event details
Date: 15th November 2022
Time: 5pm-7pm
Location: IQVIA office, The Point, 37 N Wharf Rd, London, W2 1AF
Prostate Cancer Research (PCR) in collaboration with IQVIA would be delighted if you would join them at their new event ‘Unlocking prostate cancer data’.
With patients as the driving force, it is our ambition to create a new platform to harness patient entered data and clinical data to support and accelerate translational and clinical research.
The event is an opportunity to meet key stakeholders who are supporting this new initiative to succeed.
Putting patient experience at the heart of research and empowering patients to actively engage with research is the only sure way to deliver innovation that meets patient needs and preferences. Making the best use of real-world clinical and patient-reported data could be transformational.
Over the last six months, PCR has asked researchers, policymakers, health providers, and innovators to share their experiences and insights on prostate cancer data. From this 360-degree perspective, PCR has set out a series of recommendations for a new prostate cancer platform.
Our ‘unlocking prostate cancer data’ event will be the first chance for you to meet the teams involved in creating a new, data platform that could underpin health data initiatives for the benefit of patients, researchers, and health professionals.