The time for action is now.

Join us in making prostate cancer screening a priority.

Every year over 12,000 men die of prostate cancer – that’s one every 40 minutes. This is a national tragedy.

It doesn’t need to be this way. If prostate cancer is caught early it is almost always curable.

It is time prostate cancer screening was prioritised in this country!

Earlier this year we launched a petition calling on the government to prioritise prostate cancer screening. An incredible 138,642 people signed this petition demanding action.

On Tuesday Aug 27th we handed in this petition to 10 Downing Street and said the time for action is now. We launched our new campaign Proactive for your Prostate to keep the momentum going as we seek a change in national screening policy.


What We Need You to Do

The next step of our campaign is focussed on convincing MPs to pledge their support to this important initiative. We need your help to push for change – can you help?

  • If you have 2 minutes, please tweet at your MP and ask them to pledge their support.
  • If you have 5 minutes, email your MP to do the same and…
  • If you have 10 minutes, write your MP a personal letter using our template telling them why they should pledge their support for this campaign.


Visit our campaign website ( to learn more about the campaign, and on this site you will see how you can tweet, email or write to your MP. Together we will ensure that prostate cancer screening becomes a priority.

Contact your MP
"Prostate cancer screening is a necessity, not a luxury." Jack - PCR Supporter
"Its time to start a national screening programme." Denzil - PCR Supporter
"Its time to invest in early prostate cancer screening. We need this now." Bruce - PCR Supporter

With you, and thousands of like-minded people by our side, we can lift our voices and demand politicians act.

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