Tribute Page
Creating a Tribute Page in memory of someone special is a beautiful way to celebrate their life. It becomes a cherished sanctuary and a place to return to each year, filled with love and remembrance.
We have partnered with remembrance specialists MuchLoved where you can set up a tribute page free of charge.
Watch Tribute Page testimonials
How your Tribute Page donations make a difference.
By creating a Tribute Page to your loved one,
you’ll be honouring their memory.
You’ll also be joining our other caring supporters to fund research for better screening, treatments and
a cure for prostate cancer.
Together, we are determined to create a world free from the impact of prostate cancer. Thank you.
We’d love to hear from you, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
For help with how to honour the life of someone special by supporting Prostate Cancer Research, please call Jasmeet on 0203 735 5444 or email [email protected]